Connecting the Dots

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I’m sitting at a local Barnes & Noble cafe’ trying to gather my thoughts for this blog post, but I’m not sure how anyone could concentrate with this horrible opera music blaring. And I’m pretty sure my reporter’s ear picked up a conversation of a young man being interviewed to be a stripper — or maybe he was a former stripper turned model. And then my mind wondered to why someone would meet at B&N to for a stripper gig. Praying I overheard wrong, lol. So…yeah. Hard to concentrate.

But on to today’s post topic: Do you see think you’ll still be blogging 10 years from now?
I write to connect. I started jotting down the day’s events in 2nd Grade. And I still have that journal. No lie, here’s my first journal entry:

Thursday, January 30, 1992
Thursday was a good day because I didn’t get any checks! But someone stole our ropes then gave it back to me. Because I’m Equipment person. Let’s see how tomorrow goes! Great I hope!

Such optimism right, lol? I think what drew me to writing initially is that I liked the idea of it and what it looked like. Writers were mysterious, intense and focused. They looked important, even noble. When I wrote it was always to someone, God, or whoever I thought might stumble across the journals after I died. Yes, these were my thoughts as a child.

But what started in 2nd Grade has turned into a lifetime of journaling. And I now connecting the dots that what I really wanted was connect with someone — to have a conversation and have someone relate to what I was going through. That’s what writing has always been for me.

So, will I be blogging in 10 years? Possibly. If it allows me to have that connection. If it allows me to help connect the dots for my readers.


4 thoughts on “Connecting the Dots”

  1. What?!!?? Ok, this is starting to get a little strange how similar. I still have decades worth of journals and my mom has one of my first “books” . When I was in elementary school my journal was named Smedley. I think by high school I let it go. But still, within my journal entries are where I have my conversations with God. Love it!

    1. I know, but I think this is just God’s way of reminding us that we’re not alone in feeling the way we do or in the things we experience.

  2. Yo Gabs, that’s really cool you got your journal all the way back to 2nd grade. Super-optimistic for real for real. Ha. Love that. Do you re-read those early entries often? Or ever? I’d be interested in seeing more, checking out how the young you connects to the you now. Ten years from now, you’ll be looking back on these posts too with an even wider scope of the journey.

    1. I’m starting to read my old journals a lot more actually. They’ve given me invaluable insight on how I came to be the woman I am. It’s been very revealing, lol.

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